Testing the Pachyderm package

Tests are implemented using pytest. To execute the testing, I tend to use something like:

$ pytest -l --cov=pachyderm --cov-report html --cov-branch --durations=5 tests/

This assumes you are running from the root repository folder and will report on which tests are the slowest as well as provide a coverage report for (in this case) the entire pachyderm package. The branch coverage is particularly useful to help avoid missing coverage over control flow.

There are two particularly noteworthy classes of marked tests:

  • ROOT: Tests which require ROOT.

Recall that a particular class of tests (named CLASS in this example) can be skipped by passing -m "not CLASS" argument to pytest.

Installing the test dependencies

Beyond ROOT (which is required for tests marked as “ROOT”), the package test dependencies can be installed with:

$ poetry install